About Us

Purposed Academy desires to tap into our students' talents in ways that honor God. We utilize our freedom to incorporate God into a variety of learning experiences, while helping students learn what they believe God is calling them to do, and creating educational pathways around these callings.

Our educational environment eradicates the culture of performance zones. We foster a level of comfort with the learning process that engages students and helps them feel an authentic sense of personal development. We do this by offering private tutoring for homeschool families on a part-time basis and high quality instruction for students enrolled in the school full-time. We also offer after-school tutoring for students in the traditional school setting.

In addition, we incorporate an intimate learning environment that provides one-on-one and small group instruction through proven curricula, life skills through daily interaction and social circumstances, and opportunities to engage with the world around them with ongoing field trips and service projects. Purposed Academy infuses classical pedagogy into our teaching methodologies because we believe in the success of the classical approach. This approach includes, but is not limited to, grammar, logic, and critical thinking. Purposed Academy believes our “microschool,” concept enhances the educational experience by encouraging a whole child learning experience!

Meet Monica M. Hill,
Founder of Purposed Academy

Purposed Academy was created by Monica M. Hill, an educator with 20+ years of experience in traditional and non-traditional education. She received her Masters of Teaching Degree with an emphasis in Special Education. She is certified in Special Education, and she also has an English Endorsement.

Monica began her career as a first grade assistant with her roles transitioning to a special education teacher, and then to a director of students support. Fueled by her passion for learning, specifically in the non-traditional sense, Monica saw an opportunity to take the best from various educational models to create an authentic system for customized and supportive learning – Purposed Academy.

In her position as Director of Students Supports, she began to develop a burden to homeschool her oldest son who was in fifth grade at the time. She prayed and asked God, “Is it possible for me to homeschool if I am in my current full-time position?”

The answer was no…

As God closed the door to her previous position, He opened up the door for her to homeschool her son and support other families who were in the position she was in when God transitioned her.

He also opened up the door for her to support scholars who struggled in the public/private school setting because of the pace of instruction.

At Purposed, students are free to learn and develop at their pace, and this is a BEAUTIFUL THING. They may flourish and thrive within their own time limits. God has called Purposed Academy to be a mission field where learning goes far beyond our limited expectations.

We are a learning environment where innovative thinking and self development is embraced and moments of truly being a child are welcomed! When school, home, and community partners collide, we do the amazing work of preparing children not only to be lifelong learners, but to embrace who and what God is calling them to be!

Vonda Cook,
Teaching Assistant

Ms. Vonda Cook has been in education in the traditional and non-traditional settings for 24+ years working with individuals with intellectual delays and as a paraprofessional.

She brings with her a wealth of invaluable experience in how to cultivate children’s developmental and learning experiences!

She specializes in working with exceptional children and providing customized instruction in small group and one-on-one settings.

We can’t wait to meet you! Contact Monica to get started on your enrollment process.

Are you ready to learn with a Purpose?